The concrete portion of the construction of the three new cabins is complete. The first cabin slab was poured on October 23, the staff cabin on October 25 and the other camper cabin on the 26th. The weather was not completely cooperative as there was some rain and sleet along the way but the work continued and the foundations and floors finished.

For the staff cabin, a conveyer belt was used to move the concrete. However, the belt broke down after just 16 of the 46 yards had been poured. This meant that the remaining 30 yards had to be moved with a high tech tool called a shovel.

Due to the freezing temperatures, concrete blankets were used to cover the freshly poured concrete to allow it to cure properly. We appreciate the generosity of Upland Construction for loaning camp the blankets.

We have a team from Heritage Home Concepts taking the lead on the project with a number of volunteers helping out as they can. We are so thankful for those who have given their time and talents to keep the project moving forward. Overall, 107 yards of concrete were poured. What a blessing to have this first step of the project finished.
We hope to being framing the cabins towards the end of December and will do our best to keep you informed of the progress. We covet your prayer that the Lord will allow the work to continue and that we would be able to use these buildings this coming summer. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to help in any way with this project.