Director: Ryan and Robin Stepanek
Ryan and Robin Stepanek have lived in the Grand Valley most of their lives. God has blessed them with six wonderful children: River, Aspen, Clay, Reed, Canyon, and Bear. Ryan is a graduate of Frontier School of the Bible in LaGrange, Wyoming. Over the years, Ryan has built a successful company as a general contractor, building custom homes. Robin has worked in the community as a Certified ASL Interpreter. In 2015, they were called into youth ministry and are passionate about seeing youth draw closer to God in their daily lives.
As Ryan spent most of the winter/spring of 2019 building three new buildings for Twin Peaks Bible Camp, they faithfully prayed about God’s direction for their family. They were thrilled that God opened the door for them to fill the need as Property Managers at Twin Peaks Bible Camp.
In September 2023, Twin Peaks Bible Camp’s Board of Directors asked Ryan to step into the Director role. His family serves together using all the gifts God has given them.
Programs Coordinator: Levi Ross

Levi Ross has been a seasonal staff member since 2022 and discovered his passion for camping ministry and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ during his time at Twin Peaks Bible Camp. While serving as a counselor for six weeks in 2024, he prayed about his future at the camp and felt called to join the ministry.
God has prepared Levi for his role at Twin Peaks Bible Camp by providing him with numerous
discipleship opportunities. He has served as an AWANA helper for the Sparks and T&T programs and volunteered with Master Plan Ministries (TNL), a campus ministry at Colorado Mesa University. Additionally, he has been involved in organizing and promoting events, outreach, and evangelism. In collaboration with Campus Crusade for Christ, he participated in a six-week mission trip to West Asia.
As the Programs Coordinator, Levi will be responsible for the daily programs of the camp and will intern in various aspects of camp management.
Previous Directors
Rev. Aaron and Karin Thomas
Aaron and Karin began serving at Twin Peaks Bible Camp in 1997 as assistant director. In 2007 Aaron became the full time director of camp. They served for over 26 years, stepping away from camp in September 2023.

Rev. Cal and Jan Sheppard

Cal and Janice Sheppard served the Lord as full time missionaries for over 46 years. Christian camping was part of their life growing up and was always been a major part of their ministry. They started serving at Twin Peaks Bible Camp in 1983. Cal stepped down as Director of Twin Peaks in 2007 after 24 years as service to the camp.