Twin Peaks Bible Camp thrives on the generous donation of time from volunteers. The majority of our summer camp staff are devoted and faithful volunteers. We are always looking for volunteers from counselors to kitchen staff and everything in between. Below is the list of positions we are looking for and the applications to apply.
To uphold the quality and standards of the camping experience, all volunteers are required to fill out an application and offer references for the their character. Please select the link to download the necessary forms.
Volunteer Opportunities
Please keep in mind that the positions availability vary from year to year. Contact Us to get a list of our open volunteer positions.
- Boy counselor (0ver 18)
- Girl Counselor (Over 18)
- Nurse / Medical Staff
- Craft / Snack Shop
- Kitchen Staff
- Morning Kitchen Staff
- A-Team for youth 13-18 years old
If you would like to fill out an application for one of the above positions, please go to the volunteer application page to find the correct application.