Medical Volunteer

Each week of the summer, we are required to have a medical volunteer. The following Medical Professionals can fill this role at camp:

  • Licensed Physician
  • Registered Nurse 
  • Licensed Practical Nurse
  • Licensed Physician Assistant
  • EMT with a Medication Administration Certification

The medical professional is responsible for checking in the campers when they arrive Monday afternoon. All medications and supplements must be turned into the medical professional at check in. The medical professional is then responsible for administering all medications and supplements throughout the week of camp. The medical professional is also responsible for assessing and treating campers and staff during the camp week as things arise such as bumps, bruises, scraps, headaches, indigestion, etc.

If you are a medical professional and would like to apply to help us in this way, please click on the Apply Now button to fill out the application. The link to the health form and reference forms are also on this page.

Volunteer and Staff Health Form

Medical Volunteer Reference Form Links

If you are apply to be the medical volunteer at camp for the summer, you will need one pastoral reference and two personal references. Here are the links to the forms for your references to fill out.

Pastoral Reference Form

Personal Reference Form (You need two personal references)